1871 Jersey one thirteenth of a Shilling
1923 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling type 1
1841 Jersey One Fifty-second of a shilling 1/52
1931 Jersey One Twenty-Fourth of a Shilling 1/24
1909 Jersey One Twenty-Fourth of a Shilling 1/24
Jersey One Twenty-sixth of a shilling 1870
Jersey One Twenty-sixth of a shilling 1866
1841 Jersey One Twenty-sixth 1/26 of a shilling
1935 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling
1931 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling KM#16
1923 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling type 2 KM#14
1913 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling 1/12
1909 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling 1/12
1881 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling 1/12
1877H Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling 1/12 Heaton
1844 Jersey One Thirteenth of a Shilling 1/13th
1813 States of Jersey Three Shillings Token
1933 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling
1966 Jersey Crown Five Shillings 1066-1966. Y27 cased
1993 Jersey 40th Anniversary of Coronation Crown 2 Pound. Silver proof about FDC
1926 Jersey one twenty fourth of a shilling 1/24th
1888 Jersey one twenty fourth of a shilling 1/24th
1870 Jersey one twenty sixth of a Shilling 1/26th
1866 Jersey one twenty sixth of a Shilling 1/26th
1844 Jersey one twenty sixth of a Shilling 1/26th
1911 Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling
1866 Jersey one thirteenth of a Shilling
1866 Jersey one thirteenth of a Shilling L.C.W .65mm between 66. Proof about FDC
1861 Jersey one thirteenth of a Shilling
1870 Jersey One Thirteenth of a shilling
1966 Jersey Crown 5/- Five Shilling Norman Conquest
1887H Jersey One Twelfth of a Shilling
1909 Jersey One Twenty Fourth of a Shilling